Pure, streamlined, stripped-down, a uniform is clothing reduced to a time-honored formula, unencumbered by extraneous details.
Instead of the time-honored formula of introducing shows en masse in September and ending them in May, broadcast networks want to stagger the shows' debuts and banish repeats from the schedule almost entirely.
According to time-honored formula, he has retirement on the horizon and is excited about the prospect of raising potbellied pigs.
Throw a kink, a curve, a warping twist into a time-honored dramatic formula and tried-and-true suddenly looks eye-poppingly new and unsettling.
The entrees take the greatest liberties with time-honored formulas.
Using time-honored formulas that vary slightly depending on who has the most leverage, the exhibitors and distributors generally aim for a 50-50 split over the film's entire run.
So far as his brothers were concerned, George III saw no reason to rethink the time-honored formula: "First, they must marry foreign princesses and increase the royal stock.
It is the time-honored formula of the city's once-potent political clubs, which, to a small extent, the boards have replaced.
A time-honored formula: Cyrano or Woody or Dudley watches and weeps as the bruiser makes off with the blonde.
Traditional aircraft design follows a time-honored formula.