Cable executives attribute their losses to the time-consuming nature of the meter's recording routine.
The band have said that this song is about how they have neglected their family and friends because of the demanding and time-consuming nature of their job.
Prosecutors hurriedly prepared a written motion, filed on Thursday, that further explained the time-consuming nature of the testing.
However, the bottom line is that attorneys should not be forced to handle cases of such a highly specialized, costly, time-consuming and onerous nature.
Despite the very labor-intensive and time-consuming nature of his specialty, Finlay created more than 2600 works of graphic art in his 35-year career.
They are also relieved of the social awkwardness and time-consuming nature of haggling face to face.
The relentless, time-consuming nature of his work literally asphyxiates the self-reflective side of his personality.
The time-consuming nature of this led Bair to largely move away from penciling in favor of inking the pencils of others.
However, because of the time-consuming nature of his work as jisha-bugyō, the domain's affairs were run by his retainers.
He was mocked by Taskmaster for this flaw, who felt that such an ability would not be useful in combat due to its time-consuming nature.