The controversy attracted national media attention and was for a time regarded as a marquee victory for free speech advocates.
They were set 253 to win in the fourth innings, at that time regarded as a difficult target, with over two days to play.
Fonds-Saint-Jacques was for a long time regarded as a model to be copied.
This genus has a long time been regarded as a subgenus of Turcica .
As a matter of fact, hard put to it as he was for funds, Clemens at this time regarded himself as a potential multi-millionaire.
Strauss, at that time regarded as avant-garde composer, and a successful one, was an ideal candidate.
It was during its time regarded as one of the finest racecourses in the United Kingdom.
Soap operas were originally broadcast live from the studio, creating what many at the time regarded as a feeling similar to that of a stage play.
Two days later, he competed in the Gold Cup, at that time regarded as the most important and prestigious weight-for-age race of the year.
Koolhaas, at one time regarded as a leading contender for the commission, did not place among the three finalists.