As a first time offender, he was released after two years and three months.
A new Colorado law limits the amount of time nonviolent offenders can be sent back to prison to 180 days.
In the recent years, it was extended to first time offenders who littered "large objects."
Second time offenders must do at least half jail sentence.
First time offenders can get up to three years in jail, or five if they committed the offense for financial gain.
It is set up as a special unit for first time young offenders aged 18-25 who are at minimum security rating.
For example, the length of time offenders spend in institutions is not decided by the sentence.
An even smaller fraction of state prisoners were first time offenders (0.3 percent).
That law has since been revised, allowing only first time offenders to escape prosecution and instead pay the fine.
He did not like Lamer's speculation of the first time offender.