At an early age her parents moved to Paris where she spent some time of her early childhood.
The bride had to cry then, thinking about the good times of her childhood.
He had no siblings at the time of his childhood.
But also, because it is the time of Dylan's childhood, it's an age of anxiety and terror.
Sotinel asked whether, because the story is set at the time of Scorsese's childhood, memories came back to him during the shoot.
It is quite common to dream that as an adult, one goes back to a time and place of one's childhood.
Had she heard her father mention it at home in the time of her early childhood?
I spent the happiest times of my childhood down there in that mess, he thought, and shivered.
He was found in the time of Petra Fina's childhood.
An hour later, they had been on their way home, ending the last happy time of his childhood.