Tachyons are also often mentioned throughout each series when a plot contains references to time travel or time manipulation.
"No time manipulation by a member of a species can undo the death of any other species member from that same base system."
It was much to our advantage to force the situation now, before they reached a higher stage of development in time manipulation.
It is up to the Companions, the high brass of time manipulation.
His claims about achieving time manipulation have led scholars to believe he may be mentally unstable.
Strain provides a time limit on how long Tempo can maintain a major time manipulation.
However, the baby inadvertently helps Hiro regain his powers of time manipulation, and he is able to stop time.
This theme is also used in later worlds to denote objects unaffected by the player's time manipulation.
If he were the boy in the photo, then that would mean that when she went through the rock, she'd done a bit of time manipulation.
Recognizing the presence of time manipulation, the three return to Walter's lab to try to find a pattern in the event.