The film marks Anderson's second time to direct in the series, the first being the first installment.
Another dazzling smile appeared, this time directed disconcertingly toward Margo.
Apply a thin layer of the medication to the affected area and gently rub in, usually 3 to 4 times daily or as directed by your doctor.
As territory owners become accustomed to their neighbors, they expend less time and energy on defensive behaviors directed toward one another.
Another investment law, this time directed towards domestic investors, was also in the process of being formulated.
On every other visit, Eden had been filled with an impersonal menace, but this time that menace seemed directed.
More bioweapons, this time directed at crops?
Several times Ellis was head of her own stock companies, travelling or stationary, and wrote, produced, directed, and acted in many plays.
I looked wistfully into the street we had lately quitted, and after a time directed my steps that way.
Many times directed at forceful women.