"Every time they touch the merchandise, it costs money," she said.
The first time had cost him a lot of blood, but he didn't seem to learn from anything that happened to him!
It'll jerk everything around for a while, cost us some time and trouble.
Please, the time it takes to get a court order may cost Sno her life.
It was hard to believe, but all the man's time in the mountains had not cost him any flesh.
The last time cost him almost all the 39th in a desperate exchange of fire between ground and orbit.
And Howard's extended time in the minors cost him money.
His time abroad would last three years and cost his father $2,604.24.
Every time the shuttle goes up and safely returns it costs a few hundred million dollars.
"Every time an additional child goes into the public school system, it costs taxpayers another $9,000," he said.