The strange thing now was that the whole terminal was tilting down at them.
All of the woodwork seems to tilt down toward the river.
Their two bodies struck the box, and it began to slide, its lower end tilting down.
At the end of the second day in the mountains, the rugged path began to tilt down to Gaul.
The mirror above the fireplace tilts down, so the children can look up and see themselves.
Tilting down to him, she heard his beautiful voice whisper, "Don't go, stay with me my angel.
Tilting down the rearview mirror, she took a careful study of her face.
The plane starts to tilt down as Annette is finishing her martini.
The highway seemed to tilt down as we headed up to the mountains.
On the screen, what appeared to be desert floor began to tilt down at a gradually increasing angle.