The scrutiny from the public turned her life into a kind of tightrope walk, she said this week.
According to Wallenda, it was also the longest unsupported tightrope walk in history.
When their games start feeling like a tightrope walk, the Carolina Panthers do a funny thing.
It was a balancing act, a tightrope walk.
Or did he see this sort of risk as just part of the tightrope walk?
To hear Enron employees tell their stories, it's a tightrope walk - exhilarating, if sometimes scary.
Yet the tightrope walk is treacherous: the medium itself, after all, imperils the message.
"Neutrality led to a difficult tightrope walk between adaptation and resistance," the Swiss statement said.
It had taken thousands and thousands of years for society to learn its delicate tightrope walk.
Grace asked, taking a small jump on the wall, stopping the tightrope walk.