This is not a tightly written, coherent operating system, one in which every part has a clear function and works correctly.
"Rise of a Hero is an ambitious, tightly written and highly intelligent fantasy"
With or without his cane, he moves smartly enough through this tightly written story about a rash of suspicious deaths at a nursing home.
This is an extraordinary story, tightly written and moving.
The tightly written plots of the first three mean that there is very little left unexplained, but Scalzi somehow manages to make everything seem fresh.
He challenged me to use the C language; in a few minutes he'd reduced it to twenty lines of tightly written code.
The typical Harvard medical student's workup took hours and filled between four and ten pages of tightly written notes.
They played tightly written music, and it was a group much more rooted in a stylistic jazz history.
Each entry offers a tightly written biography, often filled with delicious anecdote.
And in a major break from much business writing, the executives promise a tightly written, readable publication.