Internet Wire says it has tightened its security policies since the hoax.
Security has been tightened throughout Japan since the attack last month.
But one obvious response is to improve fuel economy standards, which have not been tightened since the Reagan years.
The screws were further tightened in mid-1996, and since, consistently.
Security at the Byron plant has been tightened considerably since the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Security is relatively light, but appears to have been tightened since the 1989 crackdown.
Security has been considerably tightened since September 11, 2001, such that these measures are similar to airport security.
The airport checkpoint screening has been significantly tightened since 2001.
Security has been tightened since the attempted kidnapping of the queen.
But immigration rules have been tightened since the Vietnam era, making would-be migrants apply from their home countries.