Earlier this month, American had said that, effective next Monday, it would increase fares and tighten advance-purchase requirements on its cheapest tickets.
Proposition 42 would tighten academic requirements for an athletic scholarship.
He said he had also tightened requirements to assure states that do so maintain the quality and array of services provided to children in Head Start.
Reforms to tighten award-qualification requirements are also being discussed.
Although the proposal would eliminate the teaching stipulation, it would tighten other requirements.
The city has also initiated action against existing sewage-treatment plants and convinced the state to tighten requirements for new ones.
The other weapon open to the Fed, which besides controlling official interest rates helps regulate the financial system, would be to tighten requirements for margin lending.
The rule, which is to take effect in the fall of 1990, tightened academic requirements for scholarship aid to incoming athletes.
American Airlines put aside its plan to raise fares and to tighten advance-purchase requirements on its cheapest tickets.
The Nuclear Safety Directive must be revised in order to tighten requirements.