Each hurriedly got on his bed, began zipping up a tight wrapping like a sleeping bag.
The tight right-handed wrapping of the DNA around this complex introduces an effective positive supercoil.
David's head seemed to push against the tight wrapping, and when he gingerly put on his uniform cap, he knew it was more than his imagination.
He turned and looked at the mummy, at the features clearly molded beneath the tight wrappings.
He is trained to become wiry and active, his eye is indurated to the tight wrappings, the angular contours that constitute a 'smart mooncalfishness.'
Aliens, all in tight black wrappings and burnished metal breastplates, their faces barred with black and white paint, went on errands through the halls or labored at tasks Raf could not understand.
She got a piece of aluminum foil from the kitchen and wound the charm in a tight triple wrapping, twisting the ends to seal them.
Rhisiart was there at her back, not coffined, only swathed and shrouded in white linen, every line of the body and face standing clear under the tight wrappings, in a cradle of leafy branches, carried on a wooden bier.
DNA may be wrapped one complete turn around the preinitiation complex and it is TFIIF that helps keep this tight wrapping.