But some advocates of tighter standards were wary of Congress.
I think we can agree that tighter standards for pension plans are important.
"It shows that we have to hold sports operators to a much tighter standard in the future."
The tighter standards will force many European refineries to make large new investments in equipment almost immediately.
The 1990 clean air law will impose an equivalent or even tighter standard on every United States plant.
They just aren't as interested in the same tight standards.
Additional work must also be done to design cars that can meet tighter standards for fuel efficiency and emissions, he said.
The ruling may eventually have effects beyond the California market, as tighter environmental standards for fuels take effect across much of the country.
Over all, the draft says, the department needs to be run with tighter standards.
The Northeastern states would be prevented from pursuing tighter standards on cars and small light trucks.