The massive damage caused Sturgis to re-order the line in a tighter semicircle around the crossroads, facing east.
The Caine heeled sharply to starboard and scored a tight white semicircle on the sea as it sped.
Behind him, arranged in a tight semicircle, a group of students looked on in horrified awe.
The subway cars of the 1940's were too long to safely navigate the tight semicircle of track.
The only items on the desk itself were a telephone, fax machine, and computer, all of them collected in a tight semicircle.
They shifted forward and sat in a tighter semicircle before her.
The Union forces took advantage of previous Confederate works to erect strong defensive positions in a tight, 3-mile-long semicircle around the city.
They unloaded, Toro taking time to readjust the pistol in his waistband, waiting for the others to form a tight semicircle at the curb.
On the eastern bank, troops quickly deployed, digging defensive positions in a tight semicircle about the selected pontoon site.
He and Liriel returned to find the men seated in a tight semicircle on the deck.