The Koreans decided to build tighter borders, exert more controls over inter-border traffic, and wait out the initial turbulence of the Manchu overthrow of the Ming.
The Mexican government drew fire from American advocates of tighter borders on Wednesday for publishing a pamphlet that instructs migrants how to safely enter the United States illegally and live there without being detected.
President Bush promised long ago to restore sanity to the situation, with tighter borders and a guest-worker program, but he has failed to deliver.
The measure hews to Mr. Bush's long-sought goal of a new system with a path to citizenship for 12 million illegal immigrants, a guest-worker program for noncitizens and tighter borders.
On such considerations, thought Bourne, were the tightest borders in the world patrolled.
Polls show large majorities of the public both support tighter borders as a matter of national security, and oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants.
It combines, sensibly, tighter borders with a path to citizenship for people here illegally.
But for President Fox, a tighter border that keeps Mexicans from desperately needed jobs is not necessarily in his interest.
But opponents, like Congressman Tom Tancredo, a conservative Colorado Republican, say a guest-worker program makes no sense unless there is already a tight border.
Unlike the House bill, it seeks comprehensive overhaul of immigration laws - not just tighter borders and stricter enforcement, but also a sensible path to legal status for illegal workers already here and others who want to come.