But to me this nostalgia seemed less like a healthy ritual tying people to their past than an act of appropriation and exclusion.
Can Twitter really tie people together in a country where it is blocked?
I think this is the kind of thing that's really going to tie people in knots.
A shifting network of strings tying people together, wherever their allegiance belonged.
Such shared experiences, say planners and policy makers, are what make cities communities and tie people to them.
You mean they tie people up and throw them overboard?
I've watched you tie other people in knots doing that, and I'm not going to let you do it with me.
Knights don't tie people up and go emptying drawers out on the floor.
The law also served to tie people to the land and to control their movements inside the country.
She also uses Kenshi as a combination work horse and a way to tie other rich people to her in various ways.