Your goddess is worth a tidy fortune, then.
Your girl is pledged to Young Marius, and that is a tidy fortune to toss away.
Deke would have a tidy little fortune by inheritance, especially if she made certain his parents died in some kind of double-indemnity accident.
I made a tidy fortune last night.
She's got a very tidy fortune invested with them, and she doesn't spend half of her income.
After the war, with the purchase and sale of property, he grew his business into a tidy fortune.
Couldn't we invent a rich relation, who shall obligingly die out there in Germany, and leave him a tidy little fortune?
She had also been a client that had used some of her information and his skill to make a tidy fortune.
He runs the world's largest airline, earning $575,000 per year, and he has secured a tidy personal fortune even if the options are never exercised.
It's pretty clear he must have carried a tidy fortune out of Ger- many.