The heat lessened, although not the stuffiness, or the smell of the tide flats.
It was slated to be built on the tide flats of Richmond on the east side of the Bay.
Flocking gulls rose and wheeled in the sea breeze off the tide flats.
The tide flats at the creek mouth are important shorebird habitat, popular with bird watchers.
But the old-school duck hunters of Bowdoinham have drawn a line in the tide flats, and are leaving the voltage-powered decoys on the other side.
On the tide flats, small crabs danced.
Originally being bounded by the tide flats of the bay, in 1874 a breakwater was added in to protect the building's foundation from the sea.
He could smell the dank odor of muddy tide flats.
This allowed for the retention of the outflow from the Deschutes River to cover the tide flats.
Spreading from the wavebreaks of the west coast, inland to tide flats, rivers, and lakes.