Increased landing fees alone are not the answer since that will ultimately mean an unfair burden on the ticket-buying public.
"So the Broadway world has had no choice but to warm up to this man who speaks to the ticket-buying public."
As the actors rip into Priestley's time-jumping tale, you can feel their joy at finally getting to display their skills before the ticket-buying public.
Without the film's production notes (which aren't available to the ticket-buying public), I'm not at all sure I'd have had any reliable idea when it was taking place.
A guard had to be called in from his day off to keep the ticket-buying public out in the lobby.
Promoters say the ticket-buying public should decide whether canned music is good or bad for the future of live performances.
- created a temporary obstacle for Hollywood, as did wars in countries that filmmakers apparently thought couldn't or wouldn't register with the ticket-buying public.
So he chose to circumnavigate the print medium and make television his primary means of reaching the ticket-buying public.
Since its inception, it has relied on the volunteer efforts of friends in the arts, local business and political leaders and, of course, the ticket-buying public.
So far, the show doesn't look like a big hit with the ticket-buying public.