A severe thunderstorm watch was issued for the region just west of Evansville as the main threat appeared to be straight-line winds.
A PDS severe thunderstorm watch is very rare and usually issued for the potential of major derecho events.
The following severe thunderstorm watch was issued for a large portion of the path of the June 2012 North American derecho.
On June 16, severe thunderstorm watches and warnings were issued for Florida.
Generally, but not always, a severe thunderstorm watch or tornado watch will precede a warning.
A thunderstorm watch, like a tornado watch, is an alert that says conditions exist for formation of such storms.
A tornado watch therefore implies that it is also a severe thunderstorm watch.
Only isolated reports of damaging winds and a few tornadoes accompanied this line and no tornado or severe thunderstorm watches were issued.
Instead, as a compromise, they issued New England's first-ever severe thunderstorm watch.
Environment Canada issued a severe thunderstorm watch for most of southern Ontario as a result.