The First Virginia thundered forward in one more short, devastating attack and cleared the road again.
They thundered forward on foot for the most part, the ones on horseback appeared to be their leaders.
Exhilaration filled Roget as he thundered forward.
A second Warlord thundered forward, and halted.
The cat officer gave his signal, and the tanker thundered forward off the flight deck, leaving a billowing cloud of steam in its wake.
The pedalers were off anyway, thundering forward along the flat, arms and wings already vigorously waving.
Then a vast wave of rushing water came bursting through the tunnel toward them, thundering forward like a runaway train.
Streams of gravitons thundered forward from our pontoons.
Geneva felt the earth tremble underneath her as hundreds, maybe thousands of horsemen thundered forward.
All the earth in the cemetery rose before us, in a great tidal wave, and thundered forward like a horizontal avalanche.