With all but the skeletal plot cut away, it becomes clear how much the full-length "Ally McBeal" relies on throwaway moments of lunacy.
There's an enchanting throwaway moment when Viola's twin brother, Sebastian (Joe Flynn), walks into one of those closets, and his identically clad sister steps out.
The last thing a spoof needs is a plot to limit its throwaway moments.
It was a throwaway moment, but 'streamlining the FDA' is the most logical thing that has been said so far.
Still, the series is better in its throwaway moments than in its grasping, ambitious ones.
It winkingly acknowledges as much in a throwaway moment when the escaped Tyrannosaurus rex is shown rampaging through a video store.
At throwaway moments like this, the book's Leon Meed-related search for wisdom is made to seem superfluous.
They also both understand the sublimity that well-chosen pop music can impart even to throwaway moments.
This throwaway moment, which is played more for comedy than for political incitement, is typical of the film's refusal to bop you over the head with angry rhetoric.