If he's throwing 94 to 95 miles an hour, then he can feel free to attack.
He threw one 92 miles per hour on the outside part of the plate.
I was throwing 83 miles an hour for the first three, four innings of the game.
I'm seeing the difference now: guys who used to throw 96, 97, 98 miles per hour.
"You're sort of left to scout out the country looking for a kid who can throw 96 miles an hour up and in."
I don't think he's going to be throwing 85 miles per hour.
"You can use it for recovery reasons rather than a guy trying to throw 100 miles an hour," he said.
"How many guys throw 90 miles an hour at the knees with movement?"
He throws the ball all over the place and he's throwing 98 to 100 miles per hour.
But more important, he felt no discomfort throwing 83-86 miles an hour.