Craig Biggio was thrown out at second base attempting to stretch his 3,000th hit, a single, into a double.
We saw the Babe throw a man out at second base and hit a home run.
However, slower runners can sometimes be thrown out at first base even if the ball is hit over the outfield fence.
That night, he was thrown out at third base trying to advance on a ground ball to first.
He nearly hit for the cycle in this game, but was thrown out at third base while attempting the triple.
He made a diving catch of a ball hit by Matt Williams and threw a runner out at second base.
"A kid got thrown out at first base, he walked right off the field," one coach said.
He went to third on a single to the left-field wall by Loretta, who was thrown out at second base.
He grabbed the first ball hit to him and threw out a runner at second base, causing his manager to smile.
Mookie Wilson walked as a pinch-hitter but was thrown out at third base in the sixth inning.