There are terrible accidents, hooligans take advantage of the occasion to throw fireworks into letter boxes and put them in milk bottles.
Evening meetings were held in an old warehouse where urchins threw stones and fireworks through the window.
Wednesday 26 September: Protesters threw fireworks at children and parents returning from the school during the afternoon.
Demonstrators threw bottles, stones and fireworks at the police.
One Halloween, a group of kids decided to scare Victor by throwing fireworks into his house, but it was engulfed in flames.
"At first we thought somebody was throwing fireworks," said a doctor working in a local clinic at the time of the incident.
The demonstration saw police charges, rubber bullets, and demonstrators throwing fireworks, bottles and stones at police.
Its loved by millions of young Thais who use it an another excuse to get completely drunk and throw fireworks everywhere.
She is a selectable helper character in which she throws several fireworks at her enemies.
They then threw fireworks into the bonfire.