They use boxing gloves to throw powerful punches or charge at opponents fist-first as their secondary attack.
Last year Dibble majored in throwing baseballs at fans and opponents.
For example, the submarine level comes with turrets, small planes to drop bombs, and icebergs to throw at opponents.
She was known for throwing her racket and her fluorescent pink tennis balls at opponents who beat her - and hitting them.
Throwing splintered bats at opponents isn't part of this.
Nelson, 31, acknowledges his reputation for retaliating by throwing at opponents intentionally.
Gambit is a skilled card-thrower, so he throws his charged playing cards at opponents with great accuracy.
He also uses a spiked mace in combat, which he throws at opponents with amazing accuracy after luring them to chase him.
In football, people have been thrown out for throwing beer at opponents.
Players can collect gems on the court to purchase in-game power-ups, such as a protective forcefield or a cream pie to throw at opponents.