Vetinari was throwing him amongst the wolves.
The woman from the second right most likely represents Discordia, the goddess of discord, who threw an apple amongst Juno, Minerva and Venus and thus ignited the Trojan war.
And yet that threw a panic amongst many of the Colombians who said, 'We don't want a blockade off our coast.'
You need an ignorant, ill informed, opinionated type to throw the cat amongst the pigeons.
As the third sister threw herself amongst the Magdalene's litter, and began to wail, Suzanna took to her heels.
In later life she threw herself into country life and amongst other things was:
Every few minutes he paused to throw the beam of the lantern ahead of him amongst the trees.
They seemed not to concentrate at all on their music; they played, splashed, ran about, built with mud and sticks and colored bricks; three of them threw a ball amongst them.
When the lady came to her senses again, after a manner of speaking, she threw her fan down in the den amongst the lions.
But three or four stayed on the outer edge, ready to scamper for the big grains he threw now and then amongst the boulders up on the hillside.