A few fans threw baby bottles on the ice, along with eggs and other debris.
Bracing his feet against the floor, he heaved backward suddenly, toppling the chair over and throwing himself along with it.
This enabled him to throw 3 pitches (along with a fastball and curveball).
He threw 5 complete games along with 2 shutouts.
They are asked to withdraw money from the bank which Tom burns and throws along with their wallets out of the car.
I threw the note there, along with some letters I hadn't finished.
She mounts him, and throws herself along with the horse into the Acchoda lake.
Brett Dietz threw 2 interceptions along with his 293 passing yards and 5 touchdowns.
The temptation was there, unfortunately, to throw the whole package out, the good along with the demeaning.
Ms. Fields threw it away along with most of the others.