A crowd gathers in an apparent bid to help him, but then scatters when a police officer throws an explosive device into their midst.
In the same month and city, unidentified persons also threw an explosive device at the home of a Bosniak returnee.
Around 10 people gather around him in an apparent attempt to provide aid, before a police officer throws an explosive device into their midst, scattering the group.
Milan Lukić was found to have thrown an explosive device into the room, setting the house ablaze.
Security camera footage released by police shows a man throwing an improvised explosive device at a building in Queens, New York.
He added, "Would a hiring hall have prevented a bunch of possibly deranged people from throwing an incendiary device into a house?"
Impulse then returns to the regenerating Neutron and throws an unknown device at him, which turns him into an ordinary human.
In Braintree, Essex a man entered a mosque with two knives, threatened the congregation, and threw an explosive device.
An army spokeswoman said that Palestinians had thrown an explosive device and repeatedly fired at the soldiers, who were on a routine operation.
In Sabha, two African migrants were killed and several others wounded when unknown assailants threw an explosive device at the home where they stayed.