Instead of functioning through cognizant direction, as Nicci's power did, Richard's ability worked through anger and need.
He has guided them through proper direction and given them the message of love and intimate relationship with the Lord.
He holds that the "paramount means" of training is one-on-one coaching through spiritual direction, a practice which has its roots in the early Church.
The skip calls shots for his or her teammates to play through verbal direction and/or physical gestures.
The emphasis here is on securing the compliance of the subordinate through direction and control.
An ordinary story has been made endearing through some good script writing, spectacular photography, sensible acting and direction.
Christian education continues to be the primary focus of the community's work, mainly through ministry training and spiritual direction.
Falling within the sub-genre of psychological horror, the film achieves its effects through lighting, music and direction rather than conventional shocks.
The spiritual development of the novice is of particular focus, especially through spiritual direction.
The administration may not own the means of production but it controls them through bureaucratic direction.