Sunderland once had a thriving Jewish population.
The rolling hills of Lancaster County, not far outside the city of Philadelphia, are home to a thriving Amish population.
"Those tenement scenes of the Lower East Side were in fact a thriving and prosperous population; they were just packed in," he said.
Habitats at the higher altitudes, such as at Kodmin, tentatively afford some measure of protection from these harms, and support a more thriving population.
There is a small but thriving Asian and South Asian population, which according to the census is almost 3 percent.
The city had a thriving Jewish population before World War II, as represented by their grand synagogue.
Visitors can expect to see thriving populations of beaver, muskrat, otter, raccoon, striped skunk and red squirrel, to name just a few.
They are exceptionally good colonizers and several species have established thriving populations outside of their native territories, often outcompeting indigenous lizards, including other anoles.
They told the councilman that they believe a thriving Jewish population on the very street named for a man who discriminated against Jews is the best revenge.
Flushing, Queens, has a thriving Chinese population.