This time, unlike 1920, say, Iraqis can see a panoply of new and thriving democracies.
North Korea is a failed, Stalinist state; South Korea is a thriving democracy.
India is a thriving democracy with over 1bn inhabitants and an emerging middle-class that is getting richer by the day.
Even though we have not had a formal security treaty with Taiwan since the 1970's, it is a thriving democracy of 23 million people that remains an important friend.
At the more hopeful end of the spectrum of opinion, some Iraqis say they view the latest developments as a step toward creating a full and thriving democracy.
"Change, fresh ideas and new perspectives," he said, "are all essential attributes to a thriving democracy."
The inclusion of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic has never really been in doubt; since the end of the cold war, each has nurtured a thriving democracy.
To the Editor: Re "India's Epic Election" (editorial, April 30): India has had a thriving democracy since its independence almost half a century ago.
Taiwan is a thriving, wealthy and modern democracy that shares our values of supporting human rights, peace, security and prosperity in the region.
There is no reason to suggest the bounding young redhead from Leimen would want to leave his own thriving democracy.