Caochangdi transitioned into an thriving arts and cultural hub when the artist moved to area in 2000, garnering international attention similar to nearby 798 Art Zone.
Today Millville has a thriving and still growing arts district officially named the "Glasstown Arts District".
Africa is home to a thriving contemporary art fine art culture.
The town also has a thriving arts and crafts community holding regular displays.
Chief among them has been the dramatic decline, over the last two years, of the the East Village as a thriving and cohesive art scene.
Paper magazine dedicated its latest issue to the thriving art and fashion scenes in Los Angeles.
But with the thriving art market and dueling megatrends of the 1980's, it became increasingly ambitious and, thanks to the growth of installation art, physically elaborate, if not overbearing.
Pierce County boasts a thriving arts and culture community.
The art was revived in the mid-20th century and natural trumpet playing is again a thriving art around the world.
There is a thriving arts and crafts sector.