The plans will have to meet some unspecified threshold test of validity.
The threshold test relates to the parent or other carer whose lack of care has caused the harm referred to in section 31(2) (a ).
The care which other carers might give to the child only becomes relevant if the threshold test is met.
The fact that the threshold test is met does not mean that the family proceedings court have to make a care order.
Once you get past the threshold test - can this person do the work up to our high standards?
Recent amendments to the Trade Practices Act 1974 in 2007 created a new threshold test to prohibit those engaging in predatory pricing.
The drink did clear the last miasma of the threshold test from her senses, making her feel incredibly alert.
But until America learns where she would lead, she won't pass the threshold test.
This model proposes that a series of progressive capabilities can be quantified through a set of threshold tests.
It is not clear that such a threshold test could be met based on what has been uncovered, Administration officials said.