Nevertheless, the modern German Bundestag has introduced a 5% threshold limit for a party to gain parliamentary representation.
Most contemporary initiatives on livelihood promotion do not take into account the threshold limits of ecosystems and instead push for an exploitative trend that is obviously untenable in the long run.
In the US, government agencies are required to expense all equipment whose value is below a threshold limit.
An MCL is the legal threshold limit on the amount of a substance that is allowed in public water systems under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
For all substances whose on-site quantities exceed the above threshold limits, the facility must submit the following:
The threshold limit is based on acquisitions made during a calendar year from 1 January to 31 December.
Measures of child poverty using income thresholds will vary depending on whether relative or absolute poverty is measured and what threshold limits are applied.
During standard operation, the associated acceleration is far below the threshold limit of the snubber and will not activate the capstan spring.
The Commission's proposal also stipulates that the Commission will be able to adopt a regulation which allows aid under a certain threshold limit to be exempt from notification.
The threshold limit of Rs.