Even Japan, locked in a three-year recession, saw bond yields soar, but without setting records, after better-than-expected industrial production figures surprised analysts.
Survey Says California Is Blooming Evidence shows that California has finally pulled out of a brutal three-year recession, with jobs and incomes growing swiftly.
Labor Party members are likely to view them as an effort to deflect attention from a three-year recession and other problems.
Argentina has suffered through a three-year recession, with unemployment exceeding 16 percent and a growing number of businesses entering bankruptcy.
The market, these analysts argue, seems to be ignoring the fact that Japan's economy is recovering from a three-year recession and that corporate earnings are improving.
Two weeks after a national strike by several unions, the coordinated protests were another sign that social unrest is growing in response to the country's three-year recession.
The country has been in a three-year recession, with bank deposits, foreign reserves, production and consumption falling in recent weeks.
Bolivia has been hit hard by a three-year recession and growing social unrest.
Their hope is that Britain will have put a three-year recession far enough behind by the time of voting.
Britain's three-year recession, has left no newspaper unscathed.