Each Vauxhall chassis was sold with a three-year guarantee including regular inspections.
At the height of the technology boom, three-year guarantees were commonplace.
Kel-Kote offers a three-year guarantee.
IF a title is declared clean, Carfax offers a three-year guarantee that is transferable to its future owners.
Airbus has been given a three-year guarantee on that contract.
The company charges $285 to reglaze a tub and $40 for stripping, and it provides a three-year guarantee.
These cars were sold with a three-year guarantee.
First-round picks must be given a minimum of a three-year guarantee, at a salary of $850,000 next season.
"I would need a three-year written guarantee for myself and about - up to a dozen programme people."
Chrysler offers a three-year or 110,000-kilometer guarantee, similar to its policy in the United States, which is not common in Europe.