The May 1968 events in France triggered a three-week general strike.
About 1,300 nurses at two hospitals in the Minneapolis area ended a three-week strike on Monday after they accepted a new contract.
Last year, when there was a three-week strike, 5.3 million people visited the Louvre.
Then, as now, some workers were relatives of union officials, and the three-week strike turned into a stormy family affair.
In 1967, the UFT held a three-week strike for smaller class sizes.
They did, however, manage to conduct a three-week strike in an authoritarian nation where previous mine strikes had collapsed within two days.
Workers just returned to its mines Sunday in South Africa after a three-week strike marred by violence.
By blundering into a three-week strike, the owners and the players have outlasted the dog days of August.
For one, she said, the jobless rate was distorted by the three-week strike at General Motors.
Within a year, the young Zimmerman had helped to form a union local and had led a three-week strike of his fellows for better wages.