In dealing with ordinary victims, muggers operated on a three-to-one ratio.
Asphyxiation is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by a three-to-one ratio.
They agreed to split receipts along the three-to-one ratio.
Despite these missteps, hits outnumbered misses by a two- or three-to-one ratio.
Maurice's was exotic and dirty, with about a three-to-one ratio in favor of the dirt.
Its three-to-one student-faculty ratio is much praised, as is its annual spending of $192,000 on each student.
In 1994, he pushed for a dues increase, but his opponents campaigned against it, and the increase was rejected by a three-to-one ratio.
Horace explains that to successfully capture a castle, a three-to-one ratio is needed.
Through this program, the Federal Government would provide matching funds, in a three-to-one ratio, to locally based nonprofit housing groups.
In Western nations, reported happiness beats unhappiness by a three-to-one ratio.