On the night of the 3d of May, a party of men from the besieging camp rowed silently up to a three-masted vessel lying close to the town.
The grain ships were three-masted vessels.
The imperial grain freighters travelling the routes between Alexandria and Rome also included three-masted vessels.
They were called caravels, a name then given to the smallest three-masted vessels.
But this now legendary 132-foot, three-masted vessel, a workhorse of the Russian-American Company, struck a giant underwater rock and filled with water.
Rather than trying to beat Phocea's time, which would be almost impossible, the ADIX team has set its sights on Atlantic's record as a three-masted vessel.
She is believed to be the Spanish Basque galleon San Juan, a three-masted, 27.1 m (90 ft) long, 250-300-ton vessel that was lost in 1565.
They were responsible men up there, Whately, a quartermaster, and two middle-aged able seamen: and to seamen ship meant only one thing, a three-masted square-rigged vessel.
Unable to mouth a single utterance, she watched with a mixture of fascination and horror as a sleek three-masted vessel sailed into full view of the assembly.
The Hartley was a three-masted vessel measuring 27.13 x 7.19 x 5.61 metres built at Sunderland in England in 1836.