It is the band's first album as a three-man group rather than its six-man staple.
An apt description of what the three-man group does is intellectual vaudeville.
The three-man vocal group from Newark takes some pointers from 1970's soul.
Stills and David Crosby had discussed the idea of creating a three-man vocal group, but were unable to find a suitable third partner.
She and her three-man group chugged through songs like a basement band, enjoying the momentum and not trying to bowl anyone over.
The Greatheart, a three-man group, had taken the stage.
No one could laugh at a three-man group of judges like that, they thought.
He formed a three-man vocal group called the Hi-Hatters.
A combination of these two styles gave birth to de Spookrijders, a three-man hip-hop group founded in 1996.
For 1984 the field of the tournament was increased to 27 and nine three-man groups were organised.