The Yukon city government began with a three-man board and has progressed to a city manager system with a five-person city council.
Ownership was transferred to a three-man board of trustees.
The previous management was replaced with a three-man board, now charged with developing strategies and responsibility for all public output.
In 1856 Hunt was a member of a three-man board that revised field artillery drill and tactics for the army.
The suspensions brought to 16 the number of athletes and coaches who were penalized by TAC's three-man national board of athletics review.
News of the incident and the constant hazing experienced by Conyers leaked to the newspapers, and a three-man board was convened to investigate the attacks.
Legal battles followed and it wasn't until October that a three-man board of appeal awarded the checkered flag to Unser.
They alleged that with a three-man board, the Deanses would be able to ride roughshod over anyone's wishes but their own, to the prejudice of minority shareholders.
The three-man board reviewed two days of testimony and ruled that the case was based largely on uncorroborated hearsay.
Mr. Nadel is chairman of Quantum's three-man board.