The play starts at 14.30 and including a three-hour interval ends at 22.30, performances take place between mid-May and early October 2010.
In many cases, however, the three-hour interval will be retained even after the milk appears, for otherwise the infant may not become hungry and will fail to nurse as strongly as it should.
In Miami, watches and warnings were broadcast via microphones at two to three-hour intervals when the hurricane threatened the state.
It is derived from the maximum fluctuations of horizontal components observed on a magnetometer during a three-hour interval.
One player will be designated the initiator, the other the receiver; these designations will re- verse at three-hour intervals.
As for the importance of eating in three-hour intervals, Dr. Katz said, "that's Jorge's interpretation."
It uses the same forecast range as the NOGAPS did (three-hour intervals out 180 hours) but also uses a refurbished dynamic core and improvements to the physics simulations compared to its predecessor.
It ate anything at three-hour intervals the first night disturbing the entire square with its hungry keening.
The average duration of a "Hurricane Hunter" mission is ten hours, with five to six hours on station, depending on the distance of the storm from base, when tasked to perform three fixes at three-hour intervals.
Up and down at three-hour intervals.