- the first line in what became a three-hour conversation.
"We must have had a two- or three-hour conversation at our first dinner together."
The couple's telephone chat grew into a three-hour conversation, during which they arranged their first date.
On 21 September 1873, when deeply depressed and affected by alcohol, he ended a three-hour conversation at Queens' with his brother Charles and went to bed.
Yet despite the gravity of the subject, Ms. Benshoof, in a three-hour conversation, is not without humor.
In a three-hour conversation, Ussery did not utter a word of malice toward his landlord, "who's doing what he got to do."
Halfway through a three-hour conversation, she began to discuss marriage.
There are no three-hour conversations among them about technique and tendencies and styles.
Not that, he insists several times in a three-hour conversation, he is some kind of Pollyanna.
One time, we had a three-hour conversation.