Players wandered on and off the stage, dwindling to as few as 2 and climbing to 20, during the three-hour concert.
Reuters also reported that the three-hour concert is to include more than 20 Beatles hits.
This was heard to best effect in a duet with the 33-year-old pianist Benny Green, a high point of the three-hour concert.
Maybe the three-hour concerts are to blame.
The three-hour concert may have been an anniversary celebration, but it did not leave a feeling of a tradition beginning, developing and promising greater glories.
The nearly three-hour concert was also heavily laced with show business nostalgia.
At each site, there is usually a lecture in the morning followed by a three-hour concert in the afternoon or evening.
And while the three-hour concert could have been shortened a bit, the music, with few exceptions, had a real ebullience.
- the touring version of "American Idol," the television program - came to town for a three-hour concert.
On November 28, she performed at Kandahar Airfield in a three-hour concert.