Nobody wanted to finance a three-family house with 5 percent down.
By contrast, a new three-family house in Monroe could be purchased for $250,000 or less.
During the visit, the student's mother directed their attention to a three-family house for sale right across the street.
Two- and three-family houses in the city are selling for $110,000 to $120,000.
Some would be in three-family houses - an owner with two tenants.
The sale price for the full three-family house is about $500,000.
With the subsidies, the three-family houses will sell for about $230,000.
Back then, you could buy a three-family house for just $10,000, and the down payments were very low.
Young people are turning them into two- and three-family houses.
The two and three-family houses will sell for $155,000 to $230,000.