Gilbert's three-dimensional portrait of the prisoner, and the play's ending plot twist, surprised audiences and critics.
Gilbert paints a three-dimensional portrait of the prisoner with all his flaws and humanity.
A moment later, the two-dimensional image expanded as it was enhanced to become a semitransparent, three-dimensional portrait of the famous and infamous captain.
This seemed not so much a musical dialogue as a kind of three-dimensional portrait.
The facilitator slowly works with this three-dimensional portrait of the family.
For in gathering his evidence he takes familiar passages and turns them from two-dimensional words on the page into three-dimensional psychic portraits.
"The actors tried to give three-dimensional portraits of these icons," said Jacob Epstein, the screenwriter and executive producer.
It provides a three-dimensional portrait of a previously unrecognized demographic group: the emerging affluent middle class.
Salinger is aiming here for a true-to-life, three-dimensional portrait of a teenager many of us recognize.
The three-dimensional portraits are a change from the other work Ms. Greenbaum has done.