The sentences were passed down by the military judge after a three-day closed trial.
It opened on 11 February 2013, after a three-day free trial for local residents.
But at the end of the three-day trial today, prosecutors asked that only a $15,000 fine be imposed if the general was found guilty.
The verdict was handed down last October after a three-day trial and a few hours of deliberations.
Bazoft had been sentenced to death on March 10 after a three-day trial.
He returned a month later for a further three-day trial playing one match after which he was offered a contract.
A free three-day trial is available from each service.
During a three-day trial, 1,000 people downloaded the live feeds.
At the end of a three-day trial he was convicted and sentenced to death.
But I don't understand why it takes sixty days to prepare for a three-day trial.